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Hey, it's Avine

I'm glad you're taking the bold step of downloading this eBook, for your personal growth.

I wrote the ebook 'Six Hard Truths About Growth' to summarize my best lessons on growth since I graduated from university in 2018, till I landed a job at an African multinational company in 2022.

Based on experiences from wins and failures, encounters with experts, and other sources, I've compiled this short ebook. It will:

  • Help you identify your limiting beliefs about growth.
  • Give practical advice on how to improve skills, habits and knowledge.
  • Talk about pitfalls to avoid so you're not stuck in one phase of growth for too long.

How to download:

- Enter your working email address to subscribe

- Open your inbox and confirm your email (by clicking the button).

- You'll get a second email with the ebook attached.
